Maurice and Katia Krafft have dedicated their lives to the study of the world's volcanoes. Their legacy consists of groundbreaking footage of eruptions and their aftermath, assembled in this visually stunning collage.. Sabat MaterTrad. arranged by Ernst Reijseger. I'm glad Herzog returned to documentary filmmaking in the twilight of his career, because while his 21st-century films have often been disappointing, his documentaries remain captivating. His voice has aged a bit here, becoming considerably older, but it still has the old magic. THE FIRE WITHIN, which follows the careers of a pair of hapless volcanologists through their own footage, is classic Herzog, looking at the darker side of humanity's place in nature. Shades of GRIZZLY MAN and beyond, that is. The footage is stunningly beautiful, accompanied by exquisitely chosen music and Herzog's thoughtful narration.
Maurice and Katia Krafft have dedicated their lives to the study of the world's volcanoes. Their legacy consists of groundbreaking footage of eruptions and their aftermath, assembled in this visually stunning collage.. Sabat MaterTrad. arranged by Ernst Reijseger. I'm glad Herzog returned to documentary filmmaking in the twilight of his career, because while his 21st-century films have often been disappointing, his documentaries remain captivating. His voice has aged a bit here, becoming considerably older, but it still has the old magic. THE FIRE WITHIN, which follows the careers of a pair of hapless volcanologists through their own footage, is classic Herzog, looking at the darker side of humanity's place in nature. Shades of GRIZZLY MAN and beyond, that is. The footage is stunningly beautiful, accompanied by exquisitely chosen music and Herzog's thoughtful narration.